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Bath Pillows

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Bath Pillows

How many of us have settled back to enjoy a nice relaxing bath, only to find our head forced back a little too far before it is able to connect with the hard and slightly slippery surface of the bathtub? The fact is, baths are supposed to be relaxing as they are, and yet there are certain stylistic designs flaws which can only be improved with external support – in this case, the support of a bath pillow.

Often found in spas and salons to optimise the luxury of the experience, retailers are now offering bath pillows on the mass market to give us all a little taste of luxurious pampering and comfort at home – in a variety of styles, colours and designs which offer support to the neck and the back of your head, and vary in their additional features which can include aesthetic value and stylish design, breathable fabric and more.

How does a bath pillow work?

Often made from either one or two padded compartments, bath pillows use a waterproof PVC coating to protect the fabric and insides, with suction pads on the back to help the pillow stick to the side of the bath and provide you with unwavering next support. The pillow itself comes as either a ready filled padded structure, or else has to be inflated before use – the latter being the most ideal for bathrooms with limited storage space, though we do find that buyers often have to experiment a little with trial and error before they can work out the perfect firmness for optimum comfort.

More luxurious pillows use more of a breathable waterproof fabric than the cheaper PVC, ensuring that your neck does not become subject to sweat as the hot fumes from the bath rise up and heat the body. And the most premium bath pillow options take it one step further with a battery operated mechanism which provides you with a neck massage as you soak – a feature more popular in commercial spa environments, though these are now available for home purchase as well.

The construction itself uses two separate compartments – one which lays down the inside of the bath and is where your shoulders and the base of your neck rests, and one smaller roll of supportive material which hooks over the top of the bath tub and ensures the support remains consistent even when you roll your head back. These kinds of pillows are particularly beneficial to those suffering from a bad back or sore neck, as they allow you to really envelop yourself in the warm and relaxing water, letting your body and muscles relax while still supporting your neck.

Finally, therapeutic bath pillows are designed for those with more chronic problems – designed to provide a much sturdier and firm backrest which has a strong suction to ensure the pillow doesn’t slip, and a contoured back rest which moulds nicely to the shape of the user’s body. This is particularly important for those with limited mobility as if the pillow slips and they lose their balance, they may struggle to regain enough balance to keep their head comfortably above the water.

Finding the right bath pillow

The first thing to do is determine if you need the bath pillow for purely luxurious and relaxation purposes, or whether you need it for proper support. This will influence the style of pillow you need and may also impact where you are able to purchase it – with the former option far more widely available across high street retailers. For a high end therapeutic pillow you may need to visit a specialist.

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