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Children's Bedside Tables

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Children's Bedside Tables

All too often we see members passing over bedside tables for their children, instead reasoning that they don’t need a bedside table – and even arguing that it may become a hazard if the child rolls and falls out of bed. Though this is a risk worthy of exploration and solution, the idea of including a bedside table in your child’s room is one we believe is a valuable addition which not only provides them with the reassurance of their own light source right next to them, but also gives them somewhere safe to keep their prized possessions right next to them.

The top uses of a child’s bedside table

As your child grows you will notice that they go through different stages and emotions at bedtime – from exhaustion to fear, nightmares, and everything in between. Many parents find themselves investing in nightlights to break through the darkness we associate with bedtime, and this is where bedside tables come in really useful – providing an obvious location for a nightlight where it will be safe, and close to the child for optimum comfort. If this light doubles as a reading light, then that is even better. Another top use for a child’s bedside table is as a home for all those things you don’t want curled up in bed with them, for example hard edged favourite toys which they don’t want to part with but could become hazardous if rolled on during the night. Finally, a bedside table with drawers or shelves provides a private place for your child to store their possessions that they want to keep close, for example a diary, a favourite book or an heirloom that they treasure.

Aesthetic value of children’s bedside tables

As adults, we often use bedside tables not just as practical items in our bedroom, but also as aesthetically pleasing pieces which balance out the appearance of our bed in the middle of a room. In a child’s room, the aesthetics are important for a variety of reasons, not just to balance and appearance but also for the added benefit of a decorative accessory which could well add to the overall design of the room. With the market always growing and expanding to include new designs and ideas, the bedside table market is no longer limited to simply tables with four legs and a drawer or two; rather it is full of colour and vibrant design concepts, ranging from curved edges to additional features and ideas which catch the eye and provide visual interest. Some of our favourites include curved edge bedside tables which are perfect for an underwater themed bedroom, and simply white bedside tables which perfectly suit a room fit for a princess.

Things to consider when buying a bedside table

First and foremost, the child’s bed market means that beds come at all different heights – and a regular height bedside table may be rendered completely useless in the face of a midi or high framed bed. In this case, consider a wall attachment rather than a regular bedside table, such as the ones that modern homes invest in as floating shelves. Though not boasting the same amount of drawers and other uses, a floating shelf will provide a resting place for a nightlight or book, which your child can reach no matter how high up their bed is. All these ideas and more can be found across furniture retailers and interior style stores, with the best solutions for children often available in stores which cater for children’s bedrooms.

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