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Children's Photo Frames

One of the most notable things about children’s photo frames is the existence of backgrounds, surroundings, characters and thematic influences in the very construction of the frame. From a photo slot in the setting of a popular movie or character scene, to the presence of well-loved animals, quotes and sunny skies, the primary stand out feature of a children’s photo frame is the way that it not only displays a photo, but gives that photo the kind of surroundings that the child could only dream of.

After all, look at Disneyland and any other theme park – charging premium fees for ride photos which come framed in cheaply made but well themed cardboard frames, inputting the photo right into the heart of the ride itself.

The idea of a children’s photo frame is to provide a real interest not just in the photo but in the frame, with the whimsical nature of many designs proving the perfect decorative accessory for children’s rooms.

The evolution of children’s frames through different age categories

It all starts with a “My First Photo” frame, likely received by the parents as a gift from friends or family when their child is born. It is likely that in the early years these specific frames will be paired with more simple and neutral frames, as new parents follow the guidance around keeping your nursery and children’s rooms as neutral and relaxing as possible.

This progresses into soft and whimsical characters from books for children, as toddler and young child photos start to be framed to line the surfaces in the child’s room and surround them with faces that love them.

As they get older, the frames become more thematic, with “Best Friend” splashed all over them and the presence of children’s characters replaced by sassy one-liners and figures. This is where it start to become obvious that the child is taking an interest in their own decoration of their room, influencing the photos they frame and the kind of frames they want on display.

Things to consider when you look for children’s photo frames

Something often overlooked is the device on which your children will be taking photos, and what size they are likely to print out at. It may seem obvious now we say it, but all too often we see parents buying their children high end and innovative instant print cameras for small polaroid style photos, only to find that the photos their children want to frame don’t actually fit in any of the frames they have available.

Most retailers now stock frames in multiple different shapes and sizes to accommodate as many print styles as possible, though this is something that buyers should be wary of in case it impacts the ease of framing.

Another thing to consider is the hazards associated with photo frames, particularly with very young children who may injure themselves with sharp corners and loose clasps. To ensure that these are not a problem, consider looking into soft finish and padded frames, as opposed to hardwood edges and sharp corners in the early years.

And finally, take care to steer clear of too much direct and specific theming when it comes to the foundational accessories in a children’s room. Their tastes will change, and it is easy to change the photo itself but replacing the frame will come at an expense – so if they say they want a princess frame, consider something pink or glittery rather than something covered with princess characters.

Head to homeware decoration stores and gift retailers for a wide selection of frames suitable for all ages!

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