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Children's Bookcases

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Children's Bookcases

How many adult bedrooms are home to a dedicated bookcase? Not many, right? Now think about children’s room – the room your children sleep in, or the room you slept in as you grew up. The likelihood that you had a bookcase in there is far higher, with many parents hoping to nurture a child’s love of fiction and want to read new books by making access to them as easy as possible. And while in the past this always meant big and often dusty shelves taking up large amount of space in the room, the more modern examples of bookcases for children are such that the structure alone is enough to inspire and excite a child.

Great examples of children’s bookcases

One of the best examples we have seen on a popular high street furniture retailer is a book case designed to look like a tree, with shelves at different angles mounted directly onto the wall in the overall shape of a tree; books balancing on the different shelves at different heights. The idea of including different heights is often simply due to design and the fact that shelves expand upwards, however we find that these are particularly useful in homes where they have just one bookcase for the whole family as the higher shelves are an ideal place for books not suitable for children. If they can’t reach them, they can’t read them. Another example of a perfect children’s bookcase is one that is low and well crafted, taking the standard design feature of shelves but placing them in a shape that is recognisable as something a little more exciting – for example a circus tent, or a castle, or even an outdoor adventure tent. Whatever it is, things like this are what excite children and draw them towards the bookcase in search of something new to read, so the more you can do to make the bookcase an area of excitement, the better.

Children’s bookcase accessories

Separating books into different areas and genres is a good way to teach your children the value of organisation and order, with many parents choosing to guide their children towards fiction and nonfiction depending on the occasion. One of the nicest ways to separate different styles of book is with old fashioned book ends, which are now so popular and widely available that almost any theme or idea has been covered and can be found online, in libraries, or in homeware retailers. Other accessories for children’s bookcases include comfortable surroundings and a decent light to help your child find what they are looking for and settle comfortably to read it.

Things to consider when buying a children’s bookcase

The top things to consider when looking for a suitable children’s bookcase include the structural size and space you have available, the height and what this means for the top shelf books that your child may not be able to reach, and the way that the bookcase fits with the rest of the room’s décor. Those able to afford a tailormade bookshelf may find themselves drawn to items which can be designed to fit around the shape of a wall or ceiling slant, with some of the most popular ideas being to have a bookcase which fits into a corner and spans across both walls – creating the feel of a home library. In terms of aesthetics, we recommend looking for a bookcase which is neutral in style and colour; creating a warm, welcoming and inviting space for your child to enjoy.

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