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Children's Storage Units

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Children's Storage Units

We often hear from our members that children like to take ownership of their own areas of the home, whether it be having their own drawer, their own cabinet, or a private den in which they can hide all their most prized possessions. With that, we say why not take it a step further and give your child their own set of storage units – tailored to meet their requirements and designed to engage them in the act of tidying and keeping the home clear.

But what is a children’s storage unit, and how does it possibly fit in with a home style which is likely modern and neutral in finish?

The types of storage unit on offer for children

The first thing to note about children’s storage units is that most are designed and made in a very lightweight material- whether that be a thick and structured fabric or a manmade wood substitute or plastic. This is to make the unit as user friendly as possible for children, while ensuring that the risks of associated injury are minimised.

In terms of the structure and design of children’s storage units, the options are wide and varied, ranging from standard cube shaped sets through to under-stair storage units, counter top storage units and even standalone storage unit which are as much a feature as any other item of furniture.

What matters, particularly in a minimalist or neutral home, is how the shape of the storage unit fits into a space, how large it is, and the colours it brings. After all, if you want your children to use the storage unit then you will need to entice them with some form of colour or visual stimulation – but how you do this is up to you.

Children’s storage units and how they fit in the home

The easiest option is to opt for a storage unit which can live in your child’s room; adorned with all their favourite colours and characters and designed to sit in a space which they frequent regularly. If your child has lots of different toys and books then you should look for a unit with multiple drawers – one way to help your child learn the value of tidying and putting things back in the right place is to paint each drawer front or cupboard door in a different colour or with a different character. This not only makes them appear more attractive but also helps your child to identify the different units with ease: instead of giving instructions such as “the second door on the left”, you can help them learn the difference by giving the name of the character on the door.

However, while colour has its use and value when confined to a children’s room, many of our members also look for storage units which can sit inside larger areas of the home such as the living space – seeking units which slot well into a corner (for example the ranges of hard-backed units which can be pushed into a corner without impacting the usability of the various drawers and cupboards built into the structure) and those with neutrally minimalistic exteriors – while decorating the interiors of the doors and drawers with colours and patterns in order to draw children’s attention.

Buying a storage unit

When it comes to buying your children’s storage unit from a furniture or homeware store, make sure the shape and size of the unit will slot its allotted space, and it is also worth checking the balance and stability of the unit – remember that children will be pulling at the drawers and door handles, and anything balanced on unsteady legs or an uneven floor could easily fall and cause an accident.

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