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Children's Duvet Covers & Sets

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Children's Duvet Covers & Sets

The market around duvet covers is large and wide-ranging, encompassing everything from high end luxurious materials through to whimsical design features, allergy controlling construction methods and every colour under the sun. When it comes to selecting the perfect duvet cover for your children, the difficulty comes in deciding which of these practicalities and decisions is a priority; wanting to put your children in the most comfortable bedding possible, while still keeping their imagination alive with characters and whimsical patterns. One of the questions we commonly get asked by members and buyers is where they can find children’s bedding which is fun in design but also high in quality, with far too many high street and affordable retailers opting for design over comfort in an attempt to draw buyers in with the appearance of their duvet covers rather than how they feel. Do children really mind how their duvets feel, or are they more motivated by something they see as inspirational and fun to look at? And if is it the latter, why spend a high amount of money on something made with high quality, when they might be equally as happy with something cheaper?

Things to consider when buying one-off duvet covers

When you’re looking at one-off duvet covers for your children’s room, the first thing you need to consider is the style and size of bed you are looking to cover. Though as not as much of an issue with children as for adults, we often find that members complain of a lack of duvet across a bed of the same size – with our top recommendation being to purchase a duvet which is slightly larger than the size of the bed to ensure optimum comfort. Particularly if your child likes you to sit in bed with them during story time, or if they like to sleep beside a sibling, opting for a larger duvet will provide extra duvet for other users. Once you’ve got the sizing right, you need to spend time on the style and appearance of your duvet cover, ascertaining the range available in each kind of material, and identifying any standout features such as anti-allergen fabric or breathability. All of these things can contribute towards a great night’s sleep, so it is worth investing in a duvet cover which supports these different areas. The design is where your child’s preference comes in, with many homeowners selecting covers which either explicitly reference and celebrate certain characters and themes, or else keeping it simple with a primary coloured duvet cover, alongside themed cushions and soft toys.

The value of children’s duvet sets

Here we refer not just to monetary value but also to ease, with many retailers offering duvet sets which combine ideas and whimsical features which your child can only dream of. Some of our favourites include a bedding set where the duvet cover features the body of a popular character and the pillow is where the head is – allowing your child to have their own head featured atop the body of their favourite character whenever they lie under the duvet cover. All of these ideas and more tend to be available across children’s wear, soft furnishing and department store retailers, with most offering their ranges in a selection of sizes for different beds. And once you’ve got the duvet cover right, the rest of your child’s room will fall into place around that central theme – letting their imagination run riot in a haven of fun and playful design.

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