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Mattress Protectors

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Mattress Protectors

One of the most common mix-ups in the bedding world comes in buying bed sheets, mattress toppers and mattress protectors – with buyers often confusing the three options and being uncertain as to which items they really need in order to maximise the benefits and usage they get from their mattress and bed as a whole. While a bed sheet is mainly designed for comfort and aesthetics, and mattress toppers are there to add an extra layer of padded comfort or seamless body support, mattress protectors are not there for the user experience – rather, they are there to protect the surface of the mattress and ensure that it does not become ruined over time.

The advantages to adding a mattress protector to your bed

There are a wide variety of reasons why we love mattress protectors, not least because they create a barrier between the sheet and the mattress itself which protects the latter from the effect of stains, and the inevitable wear and tear. While many buyers overlook the value of a mattress protector and simply view the sheet as their removable layer which can be regularly washed for optimum hygiene, having that extra layer ensures that any accidents or spillages are kept as far away from the mattress fabric itself as possible, absorbing much of the damage which could otherwise life on in the layers of the mattress for much longer. For those members and homeowners reading this and turning away, believing that the mattress protector is only necessary for children’s beds and for those who are likely to have regular accidents, we urge you to reconsider. The human body produces sweat at night and sheds dead skin cells – and once those things get into your mattress, they are very difficult to clean away. Mattress protectors are also ideal for those with allergies and an aversion to dust mites, as the protector can create a barrier which ensures these irritants and allergens do not get absorbed into your mattress. To ensure that this does not become a problem in the future, keep your mattress protector well washed and swap it out regularly for optimum hygiene.

What does a mattress protector look like?

The typical construction of a mattress topper consists of a very thin underlayer which hugs the sides of the mattress and keeps the protector in place, and a thicker top layer which rests on top of the mattress and provides the shield between the sheet and the surface of the mattress. Many of the modern mattress protectors available today also boast waterproof values, making them particularly ideal for use in children’s beds and those who may struggle with accidents or spillages. Best of all, mattress protectors are available in all different sizes – meaning that they can be selected to fit atop any style of mattress, whether it be a single or a super king; a special short bed or even a round bed. Often quilted for optimum comfort and to ensure that the filling is not shifted about over time, we tend to find that the most premium mattress protectors are those with hand stitched sides for complete support, leaving a comfortable feel which allows the mattress to stay in pristine condition – both aesthetically and with regards to comfort – for longer. The best mattress protectors are often available through specialist bed retailers and bedding stores, though with the increase in demand they can now be found across many soft furnishing stores and homeware retailer stores as well.

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