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Hallway Sets

We are all different in what we deem to be a necessary feature of any room – some of us like to keep our hallways clear and clean, while others prefer to utilise the excess space for additional storage and practicalities such as a side table or book shelf.

Understanding the need and requirements for a hallway set should always start with you, and we recommend all our members give thought to the space they have available and the way they want to fill it before going out to purchase any specific items. In short, however, hallway sets tend to include a side table or set of drawers, a taller cabinet or coat stand, and a wall mounted set of hooks which often contain a mirror.

What is in a hallway set and why do I need it all?

The hallway is the first place you arrive from outside and is the last place you leave before going outside again. It is the place where you want to be able to find everything you will need before heading out the door, including your coat and shoes, keys and often an umbrella.

Aside from that, it is also the last opportunity you have to check your appearance and provides the first opportunity that any guest has of understanding and appreciating your home’s design style. In short, the hallway is important – and so is what you put in.

First and foremost, the coat stand or hall tree is one of the most important parts of any hallway set, as this is what everyone will use to hang up their outer garments. It needs to be big enough to hold multiple items but not so big that it overpowers the room, and should be well positioned so that wet coats don’t create lasting mess on carpets – one great idea that many members and homeowners have explored is to place a darker coloured rug beneath their hall tree, to catch falling water and lower the risk of lasting mess.

Another part of the hallway set is the side table or set of drawers – with members duly split over which one is more practical and useful in their space. We tend to suggest to new buyers that this choice should depend on the space you have available and the way that you use your hallway – for example if you regularly store post and important documents in the hallway then you would be best opting for the privacy of drawers, whereas if you keep the hallway as clear as possible and just need a surface to place your keys on and add a little décor, a side table will be more than adequate to do the job.

And then there’s the wall mounted part – and the part which sees the more differentiation between retailers and home stylists. Some like to add additional hooks for smaller items such as keys and lanyards, while others simply herald the importance of a mirror for a final check of your appearance – sometimes featuring a small shelf beneath the mirror where you could keep spare make up or lip salve.

Additional features available, sometimes within and sometimes outside of hallway sets, include smaller coat hooks which can be installed lower down for children, and family-specific accessories such as dog lead hooks and wellie boot holders.

The best hallway sets on the market right now are available at homeware retailers and home stylists, with some of our favourite sets boasting really natural materials and neutral design tones.

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