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Latex Foam Mattresses

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Latex Foam Mattresses

When it comes to finding a great mattress, the trick is in understanding the marketing tactics of bed retailers – and finding the best ways of avoiding the fake products from the real ones. Latex foam is one such material which comes with many potholes, with fake variations and low quality blends saturating the market of a product which is, in its natural state, very high in quality and overall support, as well as comfort. What is latex foam? Latex is a natural milk extracted from the rubber tree, which is converted into a foam for use in mattresses as well as other products. As a base material, it is comfortable and supportive, with its long-lasting durability making it the ideal foundation material for a mattress. One of the key features of latex besides its remarkable lifespan is that a 100% natural latex mattress is not heat retentive, and has a rapid response rate, meaning it will return to its original shape very quickly without retaining indentations made by users. Latex is hypo-allergenic and anti-microbial and is also resistant to dust mites. In fact, the only people who will have any problems using a latex mattress are those who are allergic to latex itself. As such, latex is often classed as the very top level of mattress material available – when in its most natural solid form and thus is a great option for anyone looking for a high end mattress which will provide them with a good night’s sleep over and over again.

Things to consider with a latex foam mattress

The main thing you need to consider when buying a latex foam mattress, is the actual percentage quantity of natural latex which is inside your mattress – and how much of it may be bulked out with synthetic materials which prove ultimately useless in the face of your comfort and support. For the most part, these mattresses tend to use a thin layer of natural latex, supplemented by much deeper layers of synthetic material which ultimately renders the natural layer useless – while still allowing the retailer to state that the mattress is “made with latex”. This is the kind of market trick you need to be careful to avoid. Other things to consider are whether a foam mattress is the best means of support for you, and the kind of size you need to offer the most comfortable solution for your sleeping needs. Foam mattresses in all their forms are super practical and can be moved around easily enough, but if you suffer from any sleeping issues then you may need something with a little additional support – for example a mattress with springs.

Dressing your latex foam mattress up to suit your home

This is where bedding and the bed frame comes in. The most supportive frame for a latex foam mattress is one with a solid base layer – and if you don’t have a solid base layered frame, consider placing a thin sheet of MDF or wood atop the bed frame slats in order to balance out the weight of the mattress and even out the surface it sits upon. After all, why invest in a good mattress if you are simply going to let the foam bulk out and down into the spaces between the slats? All of these tips and more can be found online and through bed specialist retailers, who will be able to help guide you towards the beds which best serve your individual needs and which optimise your comfort.

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