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Memo Boards

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Memo Boards

Whether you’re in the office, in your kitchen or even just in your bedroom, there are so many things we tell ourselves we need to do or buy, and then instantly forget as soon as we become distracted by something else.

From post-it notes to smartphone notes, mirror scribbles and little messages left for ourselves on the bedside table, the retail market is constantly coming up with new ways for us to support our own busy lifestyles and remember things we need to do – but none of these ideas have been quite as successful as the simple memo board.

With a whole range of different design methods now available on the modern market, the idea of a memo board is to essentially centralise all of those things you need to remember to do, giving you an outlet on which to write lists and reminders, as well as love notes to your other half and messages of affirmation to yourself – in a location where you will know to check every single day.

Pin and cork memo boards

One of the best things about a pin and cork memo board is that it’s not only great for pinning up your reminders and notes, but is also a good place to store event invitations, receipts and business cards that you don’t want to lose. The only problem? Often, they simply aren’t big enough!

Pin boards are particularly popular in busy family homes as they allow all the members of the family to pin up their own reminders – with many of our members stating that they use different colours pins for each person’s reminders.

Magnetic memo boards

These operate in much the same way as the pin and cork boards, though without sticking holes through everything and instead attaching different things via the power of magnetics.

Buyers should note that these kinds of memo boards are often not as strong in terms of their magnetic force, and so anything which is mounted on thick card – for example business cards – is unlikely to remain in place.

Wipeable memo boards

Just like the small whiteboards you get in school, these are the kinds of boards which can be scribbled all over and then rubbed off when the task or reminder has passed.

As retailers have listened to and understood the needs of their buyers, whiteboard style memo boards have evolved and become a little more clear cut in their design – with many now separated into different areas and columns – offering up to-do lists for each members of the family which can be segmented by job or reminder type.

Of course, all of the above types of memo board have their own advantages and place on the market, but one of the best products you can get is one which combines all three – split into a section which you can write upon, one you can attach invitations and receipts to, and one with a few magnets ideal for pinning up your favourite photos or postcards.

The last thing to consider is how you will attach your memo board to the wall – making sure it is mounted at the optimum height for the whole family, using a method that won’t allow it to fall off and cause potential injury. The best way to mount any kind of permanent fixture is with a drill and nails, which can be found at your local DIY store.

For the best memo boards on the market, head to home office retailers, stationary providers and decorative accessory stores – all of which will boast their own designs based on their preference for design aesthetic and practicality.

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