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Alina Interiors

Alina Interiors

About me

Creativity is at Sophie’s core. She has been whirling through the world of interior design for two years, building lasting relationships with clients and bringing a fresh take on home transformation. With a focus on e-design, Sophie has won two awards for ‘Best Design’ for her photorealistic 3D Renders during her career so far, and uses her blog and social media platforms to inspire anyone who wants to give their home a refresh with tips, advice and industry insights. Sophie  - Alina Interiors

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About Alina Interiors

Alina Interiors was founded by Sophie Barnden, who has been whirling through the world of interior design for three years, building lasting relationships with clients and bringing a fresh take on home transformation. Affordability is at the heart of Alina Interiors' mission, formulating a possibility for everyone to visualise how their dream home could look no matter the budget. Since the start of her career, Sophie has won two awards for 'Best Design' for her photorealistic 3D renders; these renders are created for you as part of your design package, along with a thorough, on-budget shopping list linking directly to products so you can purchase with the click of a button.
If you're just looking for a bit of inspiration, Sophie uses her blog and social media platforms to inspire anyone who wants to give their home a refresh with tips, advice and industry insights. Giving clients a realistic perspective on how their home will look before taking the full leap, visualisation is a certainty with Alina Interiors.

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Alina interior render 3

Shop the Look with Alina Interiors

Alina Render 3
Alina Render 2
Alina Render 1

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