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Installing a Corner Wardrobe: A Complete Guide

The corner wardrobe is an invaluable addition to any room, offering not only space efficiency but also a stylish touch to the overall décor. However, the installation process can be a daunting task, especially if you're attempting it for the first time. This comprehensive guide will take you through each step of the process, making it engaging, informative, and relatable for anyone looking to install a corner wardrobe.

1. Preparing for the Installation

Selecting the Right Corner Wardrobe: Consider the size, style, and colour of the corner wardrobe that will best suit your space. Ensure it complements the room's existing décor.

Gathering Necessary Tools and Materials: You'll need a drill, screws, brackets, a spirit level, measuring tape, a pencil, and safety equipment like goggles and gloves.

Clearing the Installation Area: Remove any furniture or obstacles from the area to make the installation process smoother.

2. Measuring and Planning

Measuring the Space: Precision is essential. Measure the height, width, and depth of the corner to ensure a perfect fit.

Understanding the Instruction Manual: Most corner wardrobes come with a manual. Familiarise yourself with it, as it’s tailored to your specific model.

Marking the Drilling Points: Using the manual, mark the drilling points to align perfectly with the brackets.

3. Installation Process

Installing Brackets and Fittings: Drill the holes and secure the brackets. Ensure they're level with a spirit level.

Assembling the Wardrobe (if required): Some wardrobes may need assembly. Follow the manual carefully.

Securing the Wardrobe to the Wall: Align the wardrobe with the brackets and fasten it in place. Check that everything is level.

4. Customising the Interior

Shelves and Drawers: Consider adding shelves, drawers, or hanging rods to suit your storage needs.

Lighting: Internal lighting can add a luxurious touch.

Mirrors: Installing mirrors inside or outside the wardrobe can enhance the room’s appearance.

5. Maintenance Considerations

Cleaning and Care: Learn the proper cleaning methods for the material of your wardrobe.

Regular Checkups: Periodically check the brackets and screws for any loosening.

6. Troubleshooting Common Problems

Misaligned Doors: If the doors are misaligned, check the brackets and ensure everything is level.

Difficult Drawer Movement: Lubricating the runners can smooth the movement.

7. Hiring Professionals: Pros and Cons

Professional Help: If DIY is not your forte, professional installation might be an option.

Cost Considerations: Balance the cost of professional installation against the satisfaction and savings of doing it yourself.

Additional Tips and Warnings

- Always follow safety precautions when using tools.
- If in doubt, consult with a professional or experienced friend.
- Consider the weight of the wardrobe and the strength of the wall.
- Keep children and pets away from the installation area.
- Take your time; rushing may lead to mistakes or accidents.
- Enjoy the process; it's not just about the result but the journey of creation and personal expression

Installing a corner wardrobe is a rewarding experience that enhances your living space and adds a touch of personality. Installing a corner wardrobe is not just about hammering a few nails into the wall. It requires planning, precision, patience, and a touch of creativity. With this guide in hand, you'll find the process not only manageable but also enjoyable.


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