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Should DVDs Be Stored Upright or Laid Flat? The Ultimate Guide

Certainly, it's a question that perhaps doesn't get as much attention as it deserves. However, if you're serious about preserving your DVD collection, let’s answer the age-old question: Should DVDs be stored upright or laid flat?

The Science Behind DVD Storage

First off, let's get a bit geeky and talk about the science behind DVD storage. DVDs are made from layers of polycarbonate plastic, lacquer, and other materials. If you remember your school chemistry, you'll know that molecules in plastics have a tendency to move over time. This phenomenon, known as material creep, is exacerbated by stress and temperature. When DVDs are stacked horizontally, the bottom ones face extra stress due to the weight of the pile. Over time, this stress could lead to micro-warping of the disc. Sure, it's subtle, but it can eventually affect the quality of playback.

The Risk of Scratches

Then there's the issue of scratches. Imagine you're eager to revisit a classic from your collection. If you've got your DVDs piled on top of each other, retrieving that particular title becomes a clumsy game of Jenga. Each time a DVD is removed or shuffled, it runs the risk of being scratched by the ones above or below it. Scratches can result in skips or freezing during playback, which we can all agree is a cinematic tragedy.

Easier Accessibility

The ergonomics of upright storage also trump the laid-flat approach. If your collection is meticulously alphabetised or categorised by genre, you'll find it a breeze to locate any title when they're stored vertically. This orientation resembles the convenience of a library; just a quick scan and pull, and you're ready for movie night. In contrast, horizontal stacking often leads to haphazard searching, which may entail unstacking and restacking DVDs, thereby increasing the risk of damage.

Space Management

What about space, you ask? Most custom-built DVD storage units are designed with upright storage in mind. Whether it's a towering shelf or a spinning rack, these units utilise vertical space, which is often more abundant and easier to manage than horizontal surfaces. When you store DVDs flat, you're limiting your storage to low-level surfaces like tables and benches, which could be put to better use.

Personal Organisation

The categorisation opportunities are vast when you opt for vertical storage. You could have a dedicated section for each genre, segregate movies from TV shows, or even have a 'yet-to-watch' area. The upright arrangement makes these options feasible and visually pleasing. You can also add dividers, tags, or any form of identifier to make your collection more navigable.


Let’s not discount the aesthetic factor. Rows of DVDs, with their vibrant covers facing outward, can add a touch of personality to your living space. This visual spectacle gets lost in a horizontal stack, where the spine is often the only visible part of the case. Some people go the extra mile, adding backlighting or thematic decorations to their vertical DVD shelves to make them not just storage units but conversation pieces.

Protection and Preservation

If you're serious about longevity, consider slipcases, which add an extra layer of protection to the DVD case. With vertical storage, you can easily slide these cases in and out without disrupting the entire collection. Similarly, for those rare or special edition DVDs, some collectors opt for additional plastic sleeves that protect the actual disc and artwork. Again, these are much easier to manage with upright storage.

The Environmental Angle

Believe it or not, the way you store your DVDs can also have an environmental impact. DVD cases are typically made from plastic, which can release harmful chemicals if exposed to high temperatures or direct sunlight. Upright storage allows for better airflow, reducing the risk of such chemical leaching.

When you weigh up the pros and cons, storing your DVDs upright seems to be the wisest choice. It's a method that not only preserves the quality and longevity of your DVDs but also enhances the accessibility and aesthetics of your collection. So go ahead, reorganise that DVD shelf or storage unit and sleep easy knowing you've done right by your cinematic treasures.


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