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Desk Accessories

How we choose to dress our workspace goes a long way towards identifying what makes us who we are – whether it’s photos of family, hand drawn pictures, vases of flowers and other plant life, or simply a few staple desk tools. Many of our members ask us about the best desk accessories, ranging from the practical through to the most stylish and the cutest accessories around.

The most practical desk accessories

For those looking to support their working life, our selection of office retailers offer all the accessories you are likely to need; from staplers to desk tidies, paper clips and pens. While standard office retailers provide the plainest of colours, some of our more artistic retailers provide options which allow you to be practical and also showcase a little unique style and personality, through various colours, vibrant designs and intricate patterns.

Another practical accessory which sits atop your desk is your desk lamp; an item which should be chosen based on your work style and sector – for example, while computer-based workers may need a light which softens the glare from their screen, an artist will need a much brighter and harsher light to ensure the best visibility possible. When it comes to finding the ideal desk lamp, consider opting for a light specialist retailer who can provide support in choosing the best light for your work.

The cutest desk accessories

Aside from the staplers and hole punches you may need, there is a whole list of items which can be both practical and look cute on your desk – including personalised notebooks, pens, crates and shelving units. Many of our retailers encourage buyers to see their desk space as a chance to be creative; supporting the idea that the happier we are with our working surroundings, the more productive we are likely to be. And we agree!

Some of the best cute accessories we have seen aren’t even practical for any use, but rather simply add a sense of personality to a desk.

Shopping Small

We’re proud to support small retailers and independent makers wherever possible, and desk accessories is one of the categories where we like to show our members those items which are a little different and more unique. Shopping small is an opportunity to think outside the box and pick up a few desk accessories which may not be included on normal shopping lists; from phone holders to motivational posters, coasters for your morning coffee, and even individual plant pots which give you a little bit of nature to enjoy during work time.

Shopping small also offers you the chance to get some items tailormade to your specifications, for example name plaques to sit atop your desk, business card holders, and frames to hold picture of your loved ones.

Mix and Match

Why have a large desk if you aren’t going to fill it with everything you love? Many of our members ask us what the best design theme is for a productive yet attractive workspace, and our answer is this: Mixing and matching the best in practical and cute accessories provides a great way to work hard and enjoy the space you are in.

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